EPA Funding Freeze
Since February 18, 2025, eight organizations have been unable to access their Citibank accounts where the grant money was deposited. The freeze appears to be part of the Trump administration’s broader effort to reclaim funds from Biden-era climate initiatives.
The eight selected recipients for the $20 billion in grant awards within the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) announced by the EPA on April 4, 2024, are:
- Climate United Fund (National Clean Investment Fund)
- Coalition for Green Capital (National Clean Investment Fund)
- Power Forward Communities (National Clean Investment Fund)
- Opportunity Finance Network (Clean Communities Investment Accelerator)
- Inclusiv (Clean Communities Investment Accelerator)
- Justice Climate Fund (Clean Communities Investment Accelerator)
- Appalachian Community Capital (Clean Communities Investment Accelerator)
- Native CDFI Network (Clean Communities Investment Accelerator)[1]
These organizations were selected to receive funding from the $27 billion GGRF created under the Inflation Reduction Act, with three recipients coming from the $14 billion National Clean Investment Fund and five from the $6 billion Clean Communities Investment Accelerator[1].
Coalition for Green Capital (CGC): CGC has a pipeline of Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) loans in California, which indicates they work with California’s C-PACE program, a financing mechanism that requires coordination with state and local government authorities.
Inclusiv: Formed a “first-of-its-kind partnership” with Governor Newsom’s Administration in 2019 to source diverse talent and help California government better reflect the diversity of the state. This partnership involved working with more than 40 organizations to create a diverse talent pool for appointments within the Newsom Administration and across state government.
Native CDFI Network: While not showing direct California state government connections, they launched an initiative to enhance economic opportunities for Native American communities in California and Nevada, which likely involves some level of interaction with California tribal governments and potentially state agencies that work with tribal communities.
Sources [1] EPA Announces $20 Billion for Selected Greenhouse Gas ... https://iratracker.org/actions/epa-announces-20-billion-for-selected-greenhouse-gas-reduction-fund-awardees/ [2] Groups frozen out of $20B in EPA cash fear bankruptcy - Politico https://www.politico.com/news/2025/02/28/groups-frozen-out-of-epa-cash-fear-bankruptcy-00206733 [3] General Competition Selected Applications Table | US EPA https://www.epa.gov/inflation-reduction-act/general-competition-selected-applications-table [4] Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) https://www.ofn.org/current-initiatives/greenhouse-gas-reduction-fund/ [5] Senate Democrats ask EPA to justify Citibank account freeze https://www.eenews.net/articles/senate-democrats-ask-epa-to-justify-citibank-account-freeze/ [6] EPA Awards $27B in Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Grants to ... https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-awards-27b-greenhouse-gas-reduction-fund-grants-accelerate-clean-energy-solutions [7] Senator Markey Slams Trump for Weaponizing FBI to Target National Climate Bank Funding https://www.markey.senate.gov/news/press-releases/senator-markey-slams-trump-for-weaponizing-fbi-to-target-national-climate-bank-funding [8] Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund | US EPA https://www.epa.gov/greenhouse-gas-reduction-fund [9] [PDF] The Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) is a historic new EPA ... https://www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2023-02/Greenhouse%20Gas%20Reduction%20Fund%20Factsheet.pdf [10] E&E News: Groups frozen out of $20B in EPA cash fear bankruptcy https://subscriber.politicopro.com/article/eenews/2025/02/28/groups-frozen-out-of-20b-in-epa-cash-fear-bankruptcy-00206733 [11] Eight Winners Announced for Environmental Protection Agency's ... https://justtransitionfund.org/news/epa-winners/ [12] Preparing For The Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund - OFN https://www.ofn.org/current-initiatives/greenhouse-gas-reduction-fund/preparing-ggrf-faqs/ [13] Bank accounts for $20B climate program frozen amid Trump administration scrutiny https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/5161849-inflation-reduction-act-climate-program-funds-frozen-epa-zeldin/ [14] Assistance Listings Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: Solar for All https://sam.gov/fal/cffd228dd8a34254b68d497672a5235e/view [15] Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (new clean energy financing) https://energyfundsforall.org/greenhouse-gas-reduction-fund/ [16] Fallout continues from US EPA effort to claw back $20 bil in climate ... https://www.spglobal.com/commodity-insights/en/news-research/latest-news/electric-power/022125-fallout-continues-from-us-epa-effort-to-claw-back-20-bil-in-climate-funds [17] Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Award Obligation Update | US EPA https://www.epa.gov/greenhouse-gas-reduction-fund/greenhouse-gas-reduction-fund-award-obligation-update [18] Federal Funding Opportunities and Guidance – January 13, 2025 https://www.environmentalprotectionnetwork.org/ffog-january-13-2025/ [19] EPA unfreezes some climate grants https://www.eenews.net/articles/epa-unfreezes-some-climate-grants/ [20] About the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund | US EPA https://www.epa.gov/greenhouse-gas-reduction-fund/about-greenhouse-gas-reduction-fund